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Pre School Uniform

We would encourage children to wear the following uniform:-

  • Gold Polo shirt
  • Royal blue sweatshirt
  • Royal blue jogging bottoms or dark coloured leggings / joggers

Uniform items with the Chrishall Pre-school logo are available from our uniform supplier 

Online Ordering

Our uniform supplier is - Brigade

Items ordered via the Brigade online ordering service are queued until the 15th or 30th of each month and delivered to school approximately 2 weeks later.  Delivery to school means that there are no delivery charges.

Last date to order for delivery into school before the end of the summer term is 14th June.

The service will then switch to home delivery from 15th June – 13th September.

26th July is the last date that Brigade can receive orders for delivery for the start of term.

Brigade do have a video guide to measuring for uniform at:  www.brigademeasurement.info

Please click HERE to go to the Brigade ordering page and search for Chrishall - please be sure to select Pre School to ensure that the items have the Pre School logo

Please note:  I do not have any sizing samples at the current time

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