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Health, First Aid and Medication


If your child requires medicine to be administered at school, please bring the medicine to the school office with a letter detailing what medication needs to be administered and giving permission for us to do that.  Verbal permission will not suffice.

We do have a proforma permission slip available from the school office.

Please ensure that the office staff are aware of any specific storage requirement for the medication.

Please collect the medication from the school office at the end of the day.

Children requiring inhalers for asthma should have their inhalers in school at all times.  It is also useful if we have a spare inhaler in the office which we can ensure accompanies the child on trips and sporting activities

If your child requires medication to be kept in school please discuss requirements with the school office.

Please see our policy for supporting children with medical conditions for more detail.

Links for parents

First Aid

First aid will be administered by school staff if required

Childhood illnesses

The NHS wesbite (link below) has an overview of childhood illnesses and what to do (see a doctor, come to school etc)

One of the most common ilnesses is sickness/diarrhoea, our policy (and that of the UK Health and Security Agency) is that children stay at home for 48 hours from the last episode.

Is my child too ill for school

A childhood illnesses booklet has been launched by the local NHS, to help parents and carers keep their children healthy this winter. The new guidance will ensure that children get the right help if they are ill and avoid unnecessary trips to A&E.

The booklet aims to provide reassurance to parents when their children fall ill. The information in the booklet has been produced by GPs and explains how parents can spot illnesses such as chicken pox and meningitis and the warning signs to look out for.

Parents and carers can view and download the booklet below

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