Newsletters: newsletters and attachments can always be found on the News\Newsletters web page
Term dates: dates for the start and end of term, holidays and inset days can be found on the News\Term Dates web page, other dates / activities happening during term are on the Calendar (Parents Handbook\Calendar)
Website: The website has public access (no login required). Please do take a few moments to explore the information available - particularly the pages under the Parents Handbook menu, where you will find information on Uniform, School meals, Absences etc and the Curriculum & Classes menu where you will find class pages, information about swimming and residential trips
Class blogs: Class blogs are only accessible to parents and carers when you are logged in to DB Primary - if you have previously had a login for either school or pre-school these accounts are still active. If you are new to our school community and have not yet been provided with a login please contact the school office. Links to class blogs are available on the Classes web pages