How to tell someone

Have you seen that there are advice pages with Childline for things you may be worried about? If you are ever worried or upset about anything it is always good to talk to a safe adult about it. 

It can sometimes be hard or scary to tell someone what's going on, but you always have the right to speak out and stay safe. Our conversation starter can help you plan what you want to say. The below guide may help you find the right way to tell your safe adult.

You don't have to go through this alone. It can feel scary, but it's good to talk to an adult you feel safe with about what's happening and how you are feeling.

Remember, it's not your fault.


Think about a safe adult you feel comfortable talking to. This could be someone at home, at school or a family member.



Choose a time when it's easy to talk. Think about when your safe adult has time to talk. Find somewhere safe and quiet if you can.

HOW                                                                                                                                                                                It's OK if it feels scary to say out loud what happened. You could try writing it down, showing them on a toy, or drawing what happened.

You can ask your safe adult what happens next. If things don't change, keep speaking out until they do. You could speak to a different adult or talk to Childline.