Vision and Leadership

Vision and leadership

  1. To what extent is the school’s vision and its associated values grounded in a clear theology firmly rooted in a Christian narrative? To what extent do leaders show awareness and understanding of current thinking in Church school education?
  2. To what extent does the school’s Christian vision shape policies, actions, and Church school development plans? How is priority given to collective worship and to RE?
  3. How well do leaders ensure that the school’s formal partnerships are supported, sustained, and informed by the school’s Christian vision and associated values? This includes how well school leaders work with the local diocese/circuit and churches.
  4. How well do leaders ensure that all staff members at all levels are supported in the development of their understanding of the school as a Church school? How well are future Church school leaders prepared and supported through professional development, leading to improved practice?
  5. How well do governors ensure that a robust and continuous self-evaluation process is in place that involves the school community in evaluating their effectiveness as a Church school?

Vision and values

See the Christian Distinctiveness tab for our Values document.

Ofsted 2022 - Pupils live out the school’s values, particularly in how they care for each other. As a result, bullying is uncommon. Pupils trust staff to investigate allegations of bullying thoroughly. This ensures that the pupils involved feel heard and get the support they need to resolve the issue.


We discussed as a staff the new SDP and as we went,  we all thought carefully about where our values of Creativity, Citizenship, Courage, Care and Conpassion would be seen.

Seniour Leadership meetings look at each objective of the SDP. 




Collective Worship

Worship Team are involved with leading and monitoring Collective Worship 

We wrote the school prayer on a special prayer day.

Formal Partnerships

Chrishall school is in a federation partnership with Rickling and Farnham schools. All schools are CofE aided schools and our shared Christian beliefs underpin our collaboration.

FD is a member of the local DCC and PCC which means that school events can be shared easily with the parish. 

The Worship Team help to write the school news for the Village Web.  

The church asked for feedback from the children about the type of vicar they would ike to see as part of the recruitment process for a new incumbent in the oarish. The worship team created an advertisement to accompany the Church advertisement for a new incumbent. 

The worship team also wrote prayers that were on QR codes at church for passers by to hear.

We write a piece in the Village Web (church) magazine to share school news


Foundation Governor is Susanne Hartigan



