Needing Each Other
'Do to others what you would have others do to you.' Matthew 7.12. In this assembly, we thought about how we should never feel alone, especially when we may need help.

Hope in a Hard Place
In this assembly we talked about how we can cope in difficult situations and how we can be good listeners and always find signs of hope.

OHANA - family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.
In this assembly we thanked God for families and together we showed our appreciation for all the different types of family that there are. We talked about how our school is a family and how we can use our school values to help us all look after each other.

Light of the World
In this assembly we thanked God for the light that he has created and we reflected on how we can be lights to those around us.
Being Unique
In this assembly we explored how we are all unique and how God loves each and every one of us.
Crossing Bridges
In this assembly we explored 'courage' one of our school values. We looked at how we have used courage to help deal with the many challenges we have encountered this year. We thanked God for always being with us.
Harvest and the Wonder of the World
In this assembly, we reflected on the wonders in our world. We thanked God for these wonders and thought about we could have our own 'wonder' moments.

All Things Beautiful
In this assembly, we started planning for our Harvest Assembly - take a look at our Citizenship Blog to find out more ...

Take a look at our Ciitzenship blog to find out more out the school's Remembrance work ....
Advent and Christmas Stories
In these assemblies, we reflected on the meaning of Advent, our favourite Christmas stories and films and the key points of the Nativity.
Welcome Back - Having Courage
In this assembly we focused on 'Courage', one of our school values and thanked God for all the opportunities we have in this world.