April Fools Day
In this assembly we looked at the importance of laughter, even when things go wrong. We talked about friendships and how Jesus and his friends (the disciples) would have had fun and shared much laughter together.
What is God like?
In this assembly we focused on how God wants to care for the people he made and loves. We looked at the story from the Bible about a group of people called the Hebrews, who were later called Israelites or Jews. We reflected on how Christians believe that God wants everyone to be in his family.
To forgive or not?
In this assembly we looked at forgiveness and how unforgiveness often hurts the person who will not forgive more than the person who did something wrong in the first place.
Finding Comfort
In this assembly we looked at the parable of 'The Lost Son' and we thought about the lessons that we can learn from it.
Team Work
In this assembly, we looked at team work and how together we can make protect the wonderful world that God has created for us.

In this assembly we looked at superheroes and discussed whether we thought the disciples became superheroes? We asked ourselves the following questions:
If you were given the power to do good and be a superhero, what would you do?
DO we need special powers to carry out good deeds?
God is with us all the time ...
‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’ And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.