Christian Ethos Blog
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    13th October (Mrs Dyer)

    Enjoying our Harvest church service!

    Comments 1
  • Friday 15th October (Mrs Dyer)

    It was so lovely to be back in church today, for out Harvest festival, after such a long time away. The service was very special. It was great to see so many family members there too. Nightingale children made me very proud with our creation dance. 

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    Friday 23rd April (Mrs Dyer)

    We had a really lovely day yesterday, as we learned all about prayer in our school "Prayer Day." I was so impressed at how sensitive the children were when discussing why we pray and amazed at the way they understaood the Lord's Prayer. We really enjoyed watching Cheeky Monkey talking about how prayer should like a conversation with a really good friend. You can watch again here: 

    Here are some pictures of our "Prayer is like a good friend posters:"

    We also had great fun making Ojo De Dios or God's Eyes. They took such concentration and the children were amazing!


    Comments 1
  • The Spring Term in pictures ... (Mrs Bratley)

    Our Easter Assembly started by sharing our wonderful children in pictures, whilst listening to one of our favourite iSingPOP songs: 'Only Love'. Over the term, our children have continued to creatively and proudly use our school values.  Well Done children, we are all super proud of you and you have all truly 'Let Your Light Shine'.




  • The Easter Story at Chrishall .... (Mrs Bratley)

    Palm Sunday - retold by Nightingale Class

    The Last Supper - retold by Potter Class

    The Crucifixtion - retold by Lowry Class

    The Resurrection - retold by Newton Class



  • Easter Flowers, Prayers & Acts of Kindness (Mrs Bratley)

    The church is marking Easter this year with prayer crosses in two of our churchyards. Gt Chishill and Chrishall will both have large crosses in the grounds that we hope our communities will decorate with flowers and prayers. This has been such an unusual year for us all, and a very hard time for some, and as Christians we want to remind everyone that God hears you and there is hope. We have made flowers and prayers in school but would love to encourage you to make some at home too and come to the churches over the Easter weekend to place your flower and prayer and be encouraged in the promise that Jesus is risen, and he hears our prayers.

    Click on the links below to see our flowers and listen to children saying prayers that they have written in class ....

    Class Potter's flowers and prayers (Year Reception)


    Class Nightingale's flowers and prayers (Years One & Two)


    Class Lowry's flowers and prayers (Years Three & Four)


    Class Newton's flowers and prayers (Years Five & Six)


    Inspired by the Calendar of Kindess, children wrote their own acts of kindess which were creatively displayed on lovehearts.  These were shared in our Easter Assembly and were placed on class crosses.

  • Click on Day Thirty Nine on the Calendar of Kindness - 1st April (Mrs Bratley)

    This is the whole big story – and good wins over the darkness!

    When all seemed lost, the victory was won.

    How does this story seem topsy-turvy, like the things Jesus said about God’s kingdom?

    Christians believe that Jesus changed things forever on Easter Day.

    Which actions might you try to continue now that Lent is coming to an end?


  • Click on Day Thirty Eight on the Calendar of Kindness - 31st March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story is from Matthew 26: 36-46

    Jesus felt alone in the garden.

    Have you ever felt like this?

    Be kind to someone lonely – because you know how it feels.

    Christians believe Jesus does too.


  • Click on Day Thirty Seven on the Calendar of Kindness - 30th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story is from Matthew 21:12-13

    What makes you angry?

    Is it always bad to be angry?

    Have you ever felt like Jesus did when he saw how people had treated the temple?

    Is there such a thing as ‘good’ anger?

    Have you ever felt ‘good’ anger?

    Try not to be angry (at least for the wrong reasons!) today.


    Take a look at this slideshow found here: FreeBibleimages :: Cleansing the temple :: Jesus cleanses the Temple by overturning the money changers' tables and drives out those buying and selling (Matthew 21:12-17, Mark 11:15-19, Luke 19:45-48, John 2:13-24)

  • Click on Day Thirty Six on the Calendar of Kindness - 29th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story is the whole Easter account.

    Why are so many stories about good v. evil?

    Name as many as you can.

    Does good always win?

    Be a ‘hero’ to someone today!


  • Click on Day Thirty Five on the Calendar of Kindness - 28th March (Mrs Bratley)

    You can read this in Matthew 21: 1-11.

    Have you ever seen a procession, carnival or parade? 

    How did you feel while you watched it go past? 

    What makes you say ‘hooray!’?

    Why did people cheer for Jesus?

    Be cheerful today!


  • Click on Day Thirty Four on the Calendar of Kindness - 27th March (Mrs Bratley)

    You can read this story in Luke 18:15-17.

    Jesus chooses to be with children.

    Why do you think others wanted them to go away?

    Why do you think Jesus valued children?

    Remind yourself that you are precious today….then show someone else you value them by choosing to spend time with them.



  • Click on Day Thirty Three on the Calendar of Kindness - 26th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story can be found in Luke chapter 19.

    Jesus chose to spend time with Zacchaeus even though Zacchaeus hadn't been kind to people. 

    Zacchaeus chooses a new life.

    How can this story help you today?

    Give someone a second (or third!) chance today.


  • Click on Day Thirty Two on the Calendar of Kindness - 25th March (Mrs Bratley)

    This story can be found in Luke 6:46-49.

    Who chooses what is right in this story?

    How can this story help you today?

    Make wise choices.


    Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders

  • Click on Day Thirty One on the Calendar of Kindness - 24th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story is from Luke 18:9-14

    Who chooses what is right in this story?

    How can this story help you today?

    Be humble, not boastful, today.


    Parable of the Tax Collector

  • Click on Day Thirty on the Calendar of Kindness - 23rd March (Mrs Bratley)

    You can read this story in Luke 17: 11-16.


    Who chooses what is right in this story?

    How do you think Jesus felt when the one leper came back to say thank you?

    How can this story help you today?

    Say thank you to someone today.

    Today marks one year since the first pandemic lockdown. 

    Jesus heals Ten Lepers

  • Click on Day Twenty Nine on the Calendar of Kindness - 22nd March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story is from Matthew 13: 47-48 

    Life – and God’s kingdom – is all about making choices.

    What choices do you make every day?

    How do you decide what’s right?

    Do what's right today.


  • Click on Day Twenty Eight on the Calendar of Kindness - 21st March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story comes from Luke 11

    Even though he was God, Jesus still prayed, and taught his friends to pray too.

    This is the story of prayer that Jesus taught that Christians call the Lord's Prayer.

    Why do you think Jesus taught his disciples this prayer?

    Why do you think Christians still pray it?

    Take a moment to pray today if you’d like to.


  • Click on Day Twenty Seven on the Calendar of Kindness - 20th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story comes from Mark 9_21-28

    What does this story show about Jesus?

    What questions do you think the disciples asked?

    The friends saw Jesus in a different way today.

    They also heard God’s voice.

    Ask that you will hear God’s voice today.

    Try to see someone else differently today.


  • Click on Day Twenty Six on the Calendar of Kindness - 19th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story comes from Matthew 14:24-43

    How does Jesus show he is God here?

    What did Peter learn about following Jesus in this story?

    Peter tried to do what Jesus did.

    Be a good example for someone else to follow.


  • Click on Day Twenty Five on the Calendar of Kindness - 18th March (Mrs Bratley)

     These words come from 2 Corinthians 13:14 

    “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all.”

    These words are often spoken as a blessing. Listen to the words of the song.

    How many times did you hear the three ‘persons’ in the Trinity mentioned?

    Act in ways that show grace, love and friendship today.


  • Click on Day Twenty Four on the Calendar of Kindness - 17th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today is St. Patrick's Day

    How does Patrick’s illustration and his life show what God is like?

    Be inspired by St. Patrick’s actions in what you do today.



  • Click on Day Twenty Three on the Calendar of Kindness - 16th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story comes from Luke 8

    How does Jesus show he is God here?

    Bring ‘calm’ to someone’s storm today. You might like to ask God to help you.


  • Click on Day Twenty Two on the Calendar of Kindness - 15th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story comes from Mark 1:9-11

    We go back to the beginning of Jesus’ ministry to look for signs of the Trinity as Jesus is baptised.

    Can you find God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the story?


  • Click on Day Twenty One on the Calendar of Kindness - 14th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story comes from Luke 10: 38-42.

    How did the sisters show what was important to them?

    Have a think about what you spend a lot of time doing.  Is it important?

    Be busy doing the ‘important’ things today.


  • Click on Day Twenty on the Calendar of Kindness - 13th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story comes from Luke chapter 10.

    Why is it sometimes difficult to help other people? 

    Be a good 'neighbour' to others today.


  • Click on Day Nineteen on the Calendar of Kindness - 12th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story comes from John 6:1-13

    Jesus values a little boy’s lunch.

    What ‘little’ could you offer to God, or to someone else, today?


  • Click on Day Eighteen on the Calendar of Kindness - 11th March (Mrs Bratley)

    These stories about lost things come from Luke 15

    How did Jesus show value for the lost?

    Who might be the ‘lost’ people in your school / community?

    Show someone who’s lonely that you value them today.


  • Click on Day Seventeen on the Calendar of Kindness - 10th March (Mrs Bratley)

    These stories about God's kingdom come from Matthew Chapter 13.

    What does this show about the important things in God’s kingdom?

    Choose to do what is good and right today.


  • Click on Day Sixteen on the Calendar of Kindness - 9th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story comes from Luke 7: 36-50.

    What do you value most?

    What does this parable tell of God’s kingdom?

    Do something that others will value today.


  • Click on Day Fifteen on the Calendar of Kindness - 8th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story comes from Matthew 13: 44-45

    What are the ‘small things’ that Jesus spoke about here?

    How might you store up ‘treasure in heaven’ by your actions?


    Do something that someone else will treasure.

  • Click on Day Fourteen on the Calendar of Kindness - 7th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story comes from  Matthew 5-7

    Jesus’ words always matched his actions. He was always loving, fair, just, merciful and acted for peace.

    Do your words always match your actions?


    Think carefully before you speak today.

  • Click on Day Thirteen on the Calendar of Kindness - 6th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Today's story comes from  Matthew 6

    What are the ‘small things’ that Jesus spoke about here?

    How might you store up ‘treasure in heaven’ by your actions?


    Do something that someone else will treasure.


  • Click on Day Twelve on the Calendar of Kindness - 5th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Click on Day Twelve on the Calendar of Kindness - 5th March

    Today's story comes from  Matthew 5: 13-16

    Use the PowerPoint link here: FreeBibleimages :: Jesus talks about salt and light :: Jesus uses salt and light in teaching about our witness to others (Matthew 5:13-16)

    Can a person be like a light? How?

    Do a deed today that is like light in the darkness.

  • Click on Day Eleven on the Calendar of Kindness - 4th March (Mrs Bratley)

    Click on Day Eleven on the Calendar of Kindness

    Today's story comes from  Matthew 25:34-40

    What were the ‘small things’ here?

    How can we be compassionate like Jesus taught?


    Be compassionate today.


  • Click on Day Ten on the Calendar of Kindness - 3rd March (Mrs Bratley)

    Click on Day Ten on the Calendar of Kindness

    Today's story comes from Luke 5:17-26

    What small thing amazed Jesus about these friends?

    How did Jesus respond to their faith?


    How could you be a good friend to others today like these friends were?

  • Click on Day Nine on the Calendar of Kindness - 2nd March (Mrs Bratley)

    Click on Day Nine on the Calendar of Kindness

    How many similar deeds could you think of for yourself?

    Do a good deed for someone else today.


    Create a catalogue of ‘small deeds’ from this video.

  • Click on Day Eight on the Calendar of Kindness - 1st March (Mrs Bratley)

    Click on Day Eight on the Calendar of Kindness

    On the day he died, David spoke to his followers and told them to continue to 'do the small things'.

    What do you think David meant by the ‘small things’?

    What ‘small things’ will you do today?



  • Click on Day Seven on the Calendar of Kindness - 28th February (Mrs Bratley)

    Matthew did a surprising thing in following Jesus. 

    Jesus did a surprising thing by choosing him.

    Do a surprising thing (in a good way!) for someone else today.

    Today's story comes from Luke 5:27-32


  • Calendar of Kindness: Day Six - 27th February (Mrs Bratley)

    Who are the ‘poor’ and ‘broken-hearted’ in our community?

    How might we help them?

    Put something in your local food bank.

    Today's story comes from Luke 4:14-22



  • Calendar of Kindness: Day Five - 26th February (Mrs Bratley)

    Jesus showed he valued an ‘outsider’.

    Be welcoming to someone outside of your friendship circle today.

    Today's story comes from John 4: 1-42


  • Calendar of Kindness: Day Four - 25th February (Mrs Bratley)

    How was Jesus an ‘agent of change here?

    Try to change a bad situation for the better today.

    Today's story comes from John 2:1-11


  • Calendar of Kindness: Day Three - 24th February (Mrs Bratley)

    How does having friends make a difference?

    Do something for yours today.

    Today's story comes from John 1:35-51



  • Calendar of Kindness: Day Two - 23rd February (Mrs Bratley)

    How might you be an ‘agent of change’ during Lent?

    Make a promise today that you will make a difference during Lent.

    Today's story comes from Matthew 13:33 & Luke 13:20-21


  • Calendar of Kindness: Day One - 22nd February (Mrs Bratley)

    Think about the times when you’ve been tempted to put your own needs first – think about what would have been better.

    Put someone else first today.

    Today's story comes from Matthew 4:1-11



  • Wednesday 17th February (Mrs Dyer)

    Today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent!

    I am sure lots of you enjoyed pancakes yesterday to celebrate what we call Shrove Tuesday or pancake day. You might have even thought about a Mardi Gras celebration. These are both held in the lead up to Lent.

    Lent is a season when we make an effort to live the way God wants us to by praying and acting in a loving way towards other people. In the past people used to put ashes on themselves as a sign that they wanted to repent and be a better person. Today lots of people try to do something good everyday rather than giving things up. It doen't mattr what you do really as long as you spend some time thinking about how you want to live a good life with God as your guide. 

    Here is a lovely resources for all the family to use to spend time reflecting each day in Lent as we lead up to the Biggest celebration of the Christian year. EASTER! 


  • Family Digital Adventure Prayer Mat (Mrs Bratley)

    Download your family digital adventure prayer mat

  • Virtual Christingle Service (Mrs Bratley)


    On Monday 14th December, we made Christingles in school and took part in a virtual Christingle Service with other schools, churches and carehomes in the Diocese of Ely with the Bishop of Ely ....

  • Star Challenge pictures (Mrs Bratley)

    Click on the link to see the wonderful star creations that children proudly displayed in their windows for everyone to admire.  Well Done everyone, the stars are beautiful.


    Click on the link below to hear classes singing 'Away in a Manger'.  We listened to this as we watched the star slide show during our Christmas Assembly.


  • Creative Star Challenge (Mrs Bratley)

    This year we would like the children to share their creativity and love with the community by making a star that can be displayed in their window at home.  It is hoped that families will enjoy taking part in their own ‘follow the star’ walk around the village.

    We would love to have a photographic display of the stars and would like to share them at our end of term Christmas Assembly so please do send a picture to


  • Advent (Mrs Bratley)


    Click on the link below to find a wonderful  'Jesus Family History' advent calendar

    When you click a door you will find:

    • an image
    • some wondering questions
    • a video of the story or a song  
    • the Bible reference for the story

  • Remembrance Assembly (Mrs Bratley)

    This week we came together for a very special Remembrance Assembly for which we had made some beautiful poppies over half term and at our poppy workshop in school on Monday.  Our wonderful parents added all the poppies to a poppy tower that was displayed outside the church.  


    We started our assembly by singing 'Peace Perfect Peace' in our class 'Bubbles' and then Charlie and Poppy did a reading from Micah chapter 4:

    In days to come the mountain where the temple stands will be the highest one of all, towering above all the hills. Many nations will come streaming to it and their people will say, 'Let us go up the Hill to the Lord, to the temple of Israel's God. For he will teach us what he wants us to do; we will walk in the paths he has chosen. For the Lord's teaching comes from Jerusalem; from Zion he speaks to his people.'  He will settle disputes among the nations, among the great powers near and far. They will hammer their swords into ploughs and their spears into pruning knives. Nations will never again go to war, never prepare for battle again. Everyone will live in peace among his own vineyards and fig trees, and no one will make him afraid. The Lord Almighty has promised this.

    Mrs Dyer and Blake then read the following ....

    They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them. We will remember them.

    We listened to the Last Post:

    For our two minute silence, we watched a video of our poppy tower blowing outside the church:



    Beatrice, our youngest child and Kylie, our eldest lay the wreath at the War Memorial and Angus read the Kohima Epitaph.


    When you go home tell them of us and say, For your tomorrow we gave our today.

    Josh, Izzy and William read 'Flanders Field'.


    Bonnie, Hamish, Eleni and Ferris read a prayer with Mrs Stratton and we remembered those from our village who died in the service of our country: Robert Samuel Brand, George Cranwell, Harry Easter, Thomas Enos Green, Charles Healey, Eustace Hooper, Herbert Margham and Leonar Arthur Rogers.

    We ended our assembly by having our own time to gather our thoughts.  For this we listened to 'Make me a channel of your peace' -





  • Link for Friday zoom assemblies (Autumn term 2020) (Miss Crutchington)

    Meeting ID: 890 5524 7739

    Passcode: 496306

  • Wednesday 29th April (Mrs Dyer)

    Don't miss this!

    Calling all Popstars! Welcome to the brand new iSingPOP Show. Join us every Friday at 11.30am for a show packed full of energy, laughter and dancing. In this weeks episode we are exploring the wonders of the amazing word joy. #faithathome

  • Saturday 30th November (Mrs Dyer)

    We had a lovely time making Christingles yesterday. Thank you to Angela,Viv, Jo, Liz and Caroline from Church for helping us and explaining the meaning of the parts of the Christingle so well.

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    Saturday 19th October (Mrs Dyer)

    What a great day Sukkot was yesterday! The children drew an amazing imaginary Sukkah each. The designs were extremely imaginative, ranging from Sukkah on dirt bikes to Sukkah in trees and even a Sukkah on a dog!

    They also made decorations for the Sukkot they had made on Thursday.

    Everybody made a Lulav and we took them out to a waving ceremony with the whole school. Reverend Anand read the prayer in Hebrew and we all waved the Lulav in the six directions according to Jewish law.

    Finally we finished the day in our Sukkot with a biscuit Sukkah we had made and somr breadsticks and raita. After all the festival of Sukkot is all about celebrating the harvest with friends and family.

    Comments 2
  • 'The Light of the World' (Mrs Bratley)

    'Light of the World' underpins our new school vision and children have been undertaking different tasks to help them understand what this means.

    Our reception children in Potter Class have been exploring light and dark and have talked about how God helps us to see in the dark and guides us. They related light to kindness and being happy and darkness to unkindness and being sad.


    Our year one and two children in Nightingale Class discussed how our 5 school values: Compassion, Citizenship, Caring, Creativity and Courage can link to 'Let Your Light Shine'.  They thought about how they could let their 'light' shine by making sure that their share their talents and good qualities with others, rather than keeping them hidden/in the dark.  Inspired by a book that Luca had brought into school to share with everyone, they made their own picture card creation that showed their good qualities/talents only being shown when they are in the light.



    In Class Lowry, year three and four children used the Bible to carry out research to find out when light is referred to.  Discussion was had about what they think the references meant.  Links were made with our school values.





  • It's All Good - We are made in God's image (Mrs Bratley)

    In this week's assembly, we used 'Care', one of our school values to help us explore what it means to be in God's image. A poem about the Creation story was shared to help us think about the most special thing that we thought God had made and to help us realise how very special God is.


    We also watched a great clip about the Creation story.  By seeing the Creation Story presented in a poem and through art in an animation, we were also able to think about Creativity - another one of our school values.

    We decided that God was the most special thing that God made as people are made in God's image.  I explained that part of this is to do with creativity - with making, imagining and loving, like God did when he made the world.


  • Sunday 28th April (Mrs Bratley)

    I hope everyone had a lovely break over the Easter Holidays and was able to enjoy the sunshine. With it being St Georges’s Day on the first day back, I was able to link ‘Courage’, one of our school values to St George, the patron Saint of St England.  After some fun role-play, we were able to understand that whilst we may not be physically brave like St George, we can be brave by not following a crowd when we know that something is wrong or by doing things by making the world a better place. We also listened to story about St George and the dragon:

  • Wednesday 10th April (Mrs Bratley)

    Spring Term ended in a very special way, with us all coming together for our Easter Service, which was held at the church.  The day started perfectly as we walked in the glorious sunshine to the church.  'Compassion', one of our new school values was used to theme our service this year, and after a group of children opened the service with a lovely Easter poem, the choir sang 'No Matter What' - a beautiful song about compassion.    

    As the photographs show, children in Class Lowry (Years 3 & 4) performed an interesting and informative sketch about Palm Sunday.


    Our reception children from Class Potter focused on 'The Last Supper' and exhibited a wonderful 'Last Supper' banner that they had all worked hard to create back in class.  They sang 'Take this bread' and we were all impressed with how successful they were in retelling events that happended during 'The Last Supper'.

      Class Newton performed a very powerful sketch about the 'Crucifixion' - 'Conversations at the Cross' and through this, we were able to think about the event from different people's perspectives.


    After singing 'Lord of the Dance' and a reading from Matthew 28:1-20, Class Nigtingale (Years 1 & 2) performed a poem called 'He is risen'.  


    Reverend Anand led the prayers and blessing and used some great props to help us understand the Easter Story.

      Easter wouldn't be Easter without us singing one of our favourite Easter songs - 'A Spring Chicken', which we sang to conclude the morning at the church.



  • One Way Club (Mrs Bratley)

    Over the last four weeks of the Spring Term, a wonderful team of helpers from the Parish has kindly given up their time to visit the school to run ‘One Way Club’. This has been really popular with the children, who have enjoyed doing the creative crafts that have been on offer. In their first session, they focused on Palm Sunday and explored people welcoming Jesus and understanding how humble a King he is.  During their ‘Last Supper’ session, salt dough bread rolls were made and discussion was had around how we remember the meaning underlying bread and wine when taking communion.  Last week, during ‘Crucifixion’, children enjoyed decorating cross biscuits.  The focus was on how Jesus willingly took the punishment, even though he is completely innocent.  Children were encouraged to think about how brave Jesus was on our behalf.  In the last session, for the theme of ‘Resurrection’, craft egg magnets and scratch eggs were made, with the key focus being on the hope of joy in the new life that we have through Jesus.



  • Jesus, our superhero ... (Mrs Bratley)

    In keeping with our World Book Day superhero theme, Helen from the Parish led a thoughtful assembly last Thursday.  She asked everyone to think about the powers that superheroes have and then talked about who her superhero was, by listing all the amazing things that Jesus can do.  Whilst all the superheroes from the fiction books that we read are imaginary, she felt that as Jesus is real, there is no better superhero than Jesus himself. From reading his teachings in the Bible, we can all learn about compassion.


  • Worship Group (Mrs Bratley)

    Our Worship Meeting will be starting their meetings again.  We will be meeting on Tuesday 26th March at 12:40 -13:10. We will be discussing our new school values and will be thinking about biblical stories that we can link with them, along with moving forward with our 'Worship Bags' for the Spritual Garden, our story telling pebbles and a new school prayer.  We have lots planned.  Parents, Governors and Parish members, we welcome your support.

  • CALENDAR (Mrs Bratley)

    Do use the calendar to find out when key events and meetings are taking place!  

  • Courage (Mrs Bratley)

    In last week's assembly, 'Courage', another one of our new school values was explored, with the story of Gideon from the Old Testament being used to help us understand how we can grow in confidence and have courage to do things. The story was brought to life through role-play with children taking on the characters of the Israelites, the Midianites and of course Gideon himself. We talked about how Gideon needed lots of reassurance from God and how we should not be scared to admit that sometimes we may need reassurance, and that we should not be afraid to ask for help. The assembly ended with children being asked to think about an area that they would like to have more courage with.

  • Compassion (Mrs Bratley)

    ‘Compassion’, one of our new school values has been explored in an assembly. To help children understandwhat compassion meant, I used role-play with five children to help me explain. I set a scenario in whichchild ‘A’ came onto stage feeling sad and sat down with their shoulders hunched over. Child ‘B’, looked at child ‘A’ in despair, child ‘C’ pointed accusingly at child ‘A’, child ‘D’ looked at child ‘A’ and looked away. It was only child ‘E’ who looked at child ‘A’ and went and put their arm around her. I asked children to think about who they thought Jesus was and we discussed how Jesus always wanted to help, no matter who it was or however big the problem was. By asking child ‘E’ to put on child ‘A’s shoes, I explained that to give compassion towards somebody, we have to sometimes put ourselves in their shoes. To demonstrate this, I used the Good Samaritan Bible story about Jesus healing the man with leprosy.



  • Working Together (Mrs Bratley)

    A recent practical assembly focused on working together and teamwork. To help children think about the qualities needed, I carried out two activities with them. The first involved children working in two teams of six. Each group was given 5 pieces of paper that they had to use to step on to get from one end of the school hall to the other. They quickly realised that they didn’t have a piece each! The other task involved children standingin a circle, holding hands with two different children and then working together to untangle their hands without letting go. We decided that a good team has to collaborate, listen and most importantly that everybody has a part to play. In Helen Williams’ assembly, she talked about the success of Louis Hamilton and the very big team that he has. With reference to the bible, we have thought about the role of the disciples and the part that each of them played.



  • Our New School Vision (Mrs Bratley)

    Following the vision work carried out last term, we're delighted to now have our new school vision and a new school sign ...



  • Vision Building Workshop: 12th November (Mrs Bratley)

    Come along at 1:30 to our vision building workshop.  Listen to our children present their creative vision homework and work with us to create our new vision.