Chrishall Virtual Museum


Welcome to the Chrishall School Virtual Museum.

This site has been started because pupils wanted to showcase artefacts they have found in the local community,

I hope you will enjoy visiting the site to see the children's artefacts, read their artefact labels and join in their historical debate about the possible origins of their finds.

Please note all artefacts belong to the children, have been found in their own gardens or brought to the museum with full permission of the owners. All children are aware that permission from land owners must be sought before any digging takes place!

Happy Browsing!


Camp Coffee Bottles

Date Found: March 2022

Archaeologist: Esme

Place found: Little Chishill

'A wind blew down the fence, when my Dad went to repair it I had a look in the hole and saw these bottles.'

Unspecified Blue Bottle

Date found March 2022

Archaelogist: Esme

Curator: Ayla

Place found: Little Chishill

Found with other items.

Hexagonal design with two ribbed sides. 11 cm long.

Bottle reads: Not to be taken. 20z.

Paste Jars


Date found March 2022

Archaelogist: Esme

Place found: Little Chishill

Found with other items.

9CM and 3mm tall

On the bottom reads: Q523 C.T.G

One side of the bottle reads:

ESS Camp Coffee & Chicory

One side of the bottle reads: Paterson's

One side of the bottle reads: Glasgow


Lemonade Bottle


Date found March 2022

Archaelogist: Esme

Curator: Ayla

Place found Little Chishill.

Found with other items.

10cm long. 4cm wide. 3cm depth.

Reads: The Cambridge Lemonade

Chivers and Sons Histon Cambridge

Indigestion Bottles

Date found: 

Archaeologist: Bonnie

Place found: Chrishall

'We knocked down our garage and found these bottles underneath'

Lung tonic

Date found: November 2021

Archaeologist: Bonnie

Place found: Chrishall





Metal Spear


Date Found: April 2022

Archaeologist: Xander

Curator: Ayla

Place Found: Grandparent's House/Garden (with a metal detector)

Length: 25cms

Indigestion Bottles

Date found: 

Archaeologist: Bonnie

Place found: Chrishall

'We knocked down our garage and found these bottles underneath'

Lung tonic

Date found: November 2021

Archaeologist: Bonnie

Place found: Chrishall


WW2 Bullet

Date found: October 2022

Archaeologist: Hattie

Place found: Langly Farm


Roman Coin

 Date found: November 2022

Archaeologist: Hattie

Place found: Her Grandfather's farm

'My Grandfather found them whilst he was working'

