Sun 5th Jun
Working with money - May 2022
Our year one children have been working with money and have been learning to not only recognise the coins but work out the different coins and quantity of coins that can be used to make different amounts. As we have noted that children have little experience at using coins, we would like to encourage families to provide opportunities for children to use coins to pay for things. We will be looking at ways that we can support with this at school as well.
Sun 5th Jun
Using maths in Geography - April 2022
In Geography the children in Class Lowry have been continuing their work on climate zones and reading and presenting climate data. This week their focus was creating precipitation towers using rainfall data for some North American states. The children read rainfall charts and made bar graphs using blocks. They then, compared the data. One group discovered that opposite coasts are quite different with one having very little rainfall and the other having lots. Another group found out that the average rainfall in two states on the same coast were similar but the pattern of how it fell was quite different with one state having dry summers but heavy rainfall in winter and the other having similar rainfall all year round. Once they started the children quickly got very involved asking increasingly complex ideas and researching them by swapping data and using their precipitation towers and maps. Additionally, they have been reading, presenting and interpreting data by reading temperature tables and presenting the data in a bar graph.
Sun 5th Jun
Using Multiple Methods
The children in Class Lowry have been using a variety of methods including apparatus, visualisations, reasoning and problem solving. They were then challenged to make a poster showing multiple methods for solving 6 x 7. Here are some of their posters. They really are experts at using a part-whole model or a bar model and can write number sentences using Roman numerals, word problems, visualisations or arrays.
Sun 5th Jun
Subtraction with a number frame - May 2022
Our reception children have been working hard with their subtraction. Some great explanations were given to me when I visited.